1. Blue Brocade.
Pros: Have only worn it once, so it needs another outing. Could be cool, esp. if I borrow the rope skirt again. It's very cute, and easy to wear. I don't mind getting it dirty.
Cons: It needs some work - a band of velveteen at the hem, extra hook and eye on skirt opening, and I think I wanted to check out my sleeve holes. Bloody sleeve holes. The accessories also need making or finishing - the partlet needs a hem, I need a hat, the coif needs mending, and a belt would be ace. I'm also considering building a farthingale for it, because it did look rather good with the rope skirt.
Answer? I should try it on to solve underskirt ideas and sleeve issues.
2. Gold silk brocade.
Pros: I've only worn it once, and in Melbourne, so lots of people haven't seen it. If I wear it without the lower sleeves, it would be cooler than with them. It's gorgeous.
Cons: Lots. I've just pulled the sleeves off, to make them awesome*. I'm not prepared to get it dirty, so no wild nights for me. I think It needs to be worn over the red kirtle, and that adds to warmth, though I could test it out without. It has a shirt, and I could wear either the falling ruff partlet or the new standing one, though both need finishing. The coif needs mending, it needs a hat, and a belt. I might be overdressed.
Answer? Bloody hell, I don't know.
I guess once all these things are added together, the answer is:
I need a hat. Perf. a top hat, but a flat cap would do right now.
I need a belt. I really need some large pearls - I have the gold bits.
I need to finish both partlets.
I need to mend my coif.
The blue is wearable. The gold needs work. Finish the accessories, then finish the gold.
Gah, sensible!
*Gold sleeve plan: The sleves were originally lined in light but felty wool, and padded out with a bunch of tulle. They looked good until I wore it, and then they just looked and felt bulky and dumb. My plans is to:
- Fully line the silk sleeve in heavy duty tulle, as with the dressing gown. Perhaps an extra piece in the shoulder pleats, ending at the sleeve 'point' above the shoulder.
- Complete the sleeve with the original lining, to be whipped into the armhole.
- Trim back the inside of the bodice armhole, and finish the edge by rolling the brocade around from the front. This may involve some thin cotton tape to seal the raw edge, if I can only fold it once around the hole.
- Remove and resew the tags at the cuff, using gold thread this time, not stupid black.
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