Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Putting pics in one place.

so flat and ugly. was not the plan

This might be a winner. keep the fabric tight (eg no fluff under the bands like the green sleeves)

I think this could be too much with the brocade.

The girl at the far side of the table has great simple sleeves

original inspiration. not sure I'm keen to continue the attempts for these. 
Why? I thought I'd lost them.
I want to redo the sleeves of the gold frock for Yule. They turned out crap the first time. They collapsed. But I'm not sure what I want.
And what else will I need? Better partlet, banding on the skirt, awesome cuffs. I might have good cuffs already. Don't want sleeves - too hot.
Better hat arrangement...flat cap? perhaps. Borrow one? Nice idea.
And how long have I got? About 3 weeks.
Is it worth it? Do I care? I shall keep thinking.


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