Monday, March 29, 2010

Salmon frock is wearable, and pretty much done. There are two lines of cord at hem, and I'd like 3, but 2 is servicable and better than none.
Boy socks cut out, pinned in place, ready for the machine. I will finish them on site.
One partlet is mended, the other just needs hooks and eyes attached.
Must remember to pack old partlets, with pin-on ruff. Then I will have more than 2.
Still need to move the eyes on my jacket, press linens before packing,

I SHALL go to the ball!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Red doublet is done.
Ties on sleeves, rings on doublet for putting the sleeves on. Two holes at base of body for lacing closed. He can have more if he wants them.
No pants attachments though. I guess we'll just see how we go!

Friday, March 26, 2010

My teal underskirt has always been an bit too long, and I've been loathe to cut the black bands off the bottom and start again because it's too much work for right now.
So I 'pintucked' 3 bands at knee height. You'll never see them, and I've taken about 5 cm out of the length. It also adds a bit of firmness at that point, a little like a rope skirt, but not quite.
And when I've finally ruined the hem beyond repair, I can unpick the pin tucks, and chop the bottom off!
Cut the velveteen bands for Salmon sleeves
Halved the waistband of the terracotta underskirt, and bound it with cotton tape and the machine
Machined the final shirt, and I can finish this on site. Later. So don't care right now.
Packed the pile of wine bar linen, including a spare sheet for dividing the tent.
Tested the concept - Salmon frock pic has little lines of white on the hem, 3. I've got 3 lines of black cording pinned on, and I like it but need a second pair of eyes. I should be able to VERY CAREFULLY! machine this on. Done in a jiffy. And again with the adding of stiffness.

Christ, I'm fanging for a beer.

Other salmon sleeve.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

One salmon sleeve, and the hem.

Monday, March 22, 2010

End of weekend update

Dress is hanging! Skirt only took 5 episodes of Buffy - 3 for felling the seams, 2 for the pleats. One of them was the Faith switcheroo, so I'm pretty chuffed.
Flat felling with old thread is a little dumb - as it pulls on the inside of the needle, it wears and tends to break. I'm guessing it will hold up in the frock, but all that hand sewing takes longer.
I have fingers like pin cushions. Too much stabbing into my left hand.
Salmon sleeves are made. They need to be hemmed at their cuff (is it still a cuff when it's 15cm from your shoulder?), gathered at apex, and whipped into (shape) place. When there's time, they will get a little black velveteen band, but only when there's time.
Red doublet sleeves are made. They need their cuff finished, to be pleated at teh top, ties attached and I'm thinking a little button at wrist. My plan is to knife/box pleat the top, and tack cotton tape inside to hold the pleats in place.
Seeing as I'm up too early, and I've got an evening of nothing but sewing ahead of me, I may be able to complete both these items tonight. How good is that!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Packing list for me

Constantly under development


Shirts - 2 nice ones I know I got, and anything else I can find, and one unfinished one.
3 partlets
Teal underskirt (run a seam around at knee height on that, to make it shorter)
Terracotta underskirt
Grey jacket
Pale blue jacket
Aprons, as many as I can find. Where are they all?
Two white/red caps, and the huge red-stitched teatowel, and the milkmaid teatowel
Mundane socks and shoes.
Dressing gown.
Straw hat, dumb black hat, flat cap.

Red doublet is complete, except the closures. Have no idea what I want to use. No idea. Lacing holes are sort of quick, hooks and eyes will pull funny I think. Sewing laces down would be the quickest, but I'm not sure I like the effect. More thinking.

Salmon bodice needs two more rings, and it's complete. Sleeves are put together, just need clipping and turning and pressing and hemming and putting on the bodice. Skirt MUST be on bodice, and hanging, by close of business today. This is possible, but there is also a tent to be sewn.

Still incomplete:
my final shirt, but this can be machined today and taken as hand work, even to F.
Socks for him. But again, can be worked on on Tuesday for pattern and machine, and hand projects thereafter.
Partlets need fixing, and the third one needs a ruff. This is a one evening job, and can be done this week.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Salmon frock bodice has rings, velveteen banding and the waist is hemmed and cotton taped. Bones are in channels, and need testing out for optimum shapes. THEN I can finish the arm holes.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A wearing

Wore the green frock last night, altogether with the stuff. I'm happy with some parts of it, and not happy with others.
The partlet is too big, so had to be pinned together at the front. The partlet was based on a previous pattern, for a previous dress, so it's not uber suprising. I may hack the front off this partlet and rehem, put ties on. I should put all my frocks on and test the partlets against them...oh so time consuming. The ruff fell nicely enough. I like the weight.
The skirt is falling nicely, lovely loops at the hem. It could have another line of black but I'm too lazy and busy. I tore the skirt opening slightly when getting dressed - this needs mending. Also, if I ever want to wear it without an apron, it needs a modesty thingy and a hook and eye.
I think I've lost weight. This was tighter on me 2 weeks ago. I mean, I thought I had lost weight, but wasn't really sure, it was only a little bit. And yet, there are gaps in the lacing. I think I can blame the thick lacing cord I used. I will swap it out.
I am totally in love with the sleeves, but I've managed it again - the armscry is too far into my front armpit. This has to be solved, and not just overlooked. Seems I'll be pulling the sleeves off, if I can. Scary, I'm not sure it's going to be possible, if there is enough extra.
I'm having trouble keeping the coif on. I'm so use to veleteen on the band! I think, rather than low pigtails, I need high ones for the band to bump up against. I might put my hair up today and try that.

The goose boy looked wonderful, even with his socks in his boots. The hat is not working for us, and I have no idea how to make it more like the pictures from this point. This band helps. That doublet is never going to get its collar, but it works without it. Just. And he appears to be comfy.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Warm partlet complete. And it looks super cute on Jasper. Ha!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Green frock complete!! WHOOHOO!

Doublet started, fitted. Girl shirt pieces coming together. Warm partlet being mended right now.
Time for bed!

Dressing gown complete and finished and DONE!
Green hem done. Needs at least one black band, but two is preferable. It is now a wearable frock!

Plan for Sunday:

  • Try the doublet on him, with the extra added for collar. Cut and sew doublet, flat-lining all the way. Aim is to have this very well advanced by the close of business today.
  • Cut and machine on velveteen trim for green. Will cut strips on bias, and machine sew the lower edge. One of 4 inches, one of 2 inches, I think.
Of course, just for added degree of difficulty, my eyeball hurts, and I might end up in bed instead.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Green hem started.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Spent most of yesterday (that wasn't waiting for doctors or in lengthy conversations with my parents) making the warm partlet. The bottom edge is a little uneven, and needs fixing, but other than that it just needs hooks and eyes.
Tonight, my job is to cut the hem of the green and start sewing. I'm just going to roll it. I feel an urgent urge to just get one of my projects finished. Also, I will take the boy shirt to Pasta and hem it.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sunday was the magical day of Sew. But I feel I didn't get much done. So here's the low down to make me feel less low-down about it.

  • Dressing gown had its hem found, cut, and sewn. I've just rolled the two layers up together. I figured 2 weeks of hanging aught to be enough. I took one eye off (they all have to be moved, but eyes is quicker than hooks so the eyes have it) but was over looking at red and black by then.
  • Green frock had its hem found, and was then unceremoniously thrown on the couch for laters. Have discovered that the boning along the front edge has popped through...I'm thinking a small patch of canvas and some glue. But arse - I hadn't even worn it yet!
  • His and Hers shirts had the next round of machine sewing done. Now that I think about it, I should just do all the way around my has gores, see, and I thought to handsew up one side of the gore before the next machine job, but honestly, I love that continuous stretch of hand felling that runs from the hem, up the body, around the shoulder and back down the hem...
  • His shirt has two sides of the armpit gusset left to fell, then two cuffs (machined on and hand finished) and a hem. I think I'll hand do the hem, because he's likely to be a grot and leave his shirt out. But it will be big rough stitches. So there.
  • Salmon frock got its bodice cut out and sewn. It's ready for seam finishing and stuff. I've lined it in brown linen, and it looks lovely already. Toying with the idea of laying a line of cord along the edge of the velveteen banding. We shall see.
  • I've lost Fz's sock pattern. I think I might have chucked it. I've still got the leg, and I'll have to make a new one. He needs at least one more pair of socks. Might build them with a thicker sole linen. Clever.
  • Pinned scraps to the original doublet, to help build a pattern for the new one. He's yet to try it on.
  • Decided I need a warm partlet for the green frock. Either in blue brocade or black velveteen. Or perhaps reversable!! how natty! Or maybe a nice deep red wool...I've got some goodly scraps somewhere. If it takes as long as I think it will, I could have ten!

Ok, so it was a fair bit of stuff. Some of it was thinking, sure, but that's imortant too. And having company made it all that better. Sewing is a communal sport, it always has been for me. I miss having a community to do it in.

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